
Do you want to know what the event looks like? You can see the schedule and some of the participating companies below! Note that this is the programme of the 41st edition of March 2025.

The programme of 2025

Find below the general timetable of the event on March 19th. The separate table shows the time slots for further activities.

10:30 - 16:00
Job Fair
10:30 - 11:00
12:00 - 14:00
13:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 18:00
Networking Reception
11:30 - 12:30
Workshop 1
11:30 - 13:00
Speed Dates 1
13:00 - 14:00
Workshop 2
14:00 - 14:45
Presentations 1
14:00 - 15:30
Speed Dates 2
15:15 - 16:00
Presentations 2

Workshops 2025

This is the list of workshops at the Bètabanenmarkt.

Round 1

11:30 – 12:30

Capgemini (EN)

Test Automation is a hot topic. Only what is it really and why should you start with it?
In this workshop you will experience why (exclusively) manual testing doesn’t work anymore.

ICLON - Een baan in onderwijs (NL)

Overweeg je een carrière in het onderwijs? Als leraar kun je het verschil maken en iets doen wat ertoe doet. Het ICLON biedt verschillende programma’s aan die leiden tot een Nederlandse lesbevoegdheid voor het voortgezet onderwijs. Je bent van harte welkom in onze workshop om te luisteren naar een pitch, het gevoel te krijgen leraar te zijn of je vragen te stellen over de (stage)programma’s, carrièremogelijkheden in het onderwijs, et cetera. De onderwijsprogramma’s van het ICLON worden aangeboden voor de volgende schoolvakken: Biologie, Scheikunde, Informatica, Wiskunde en Natuurkunde. Na afronding kun je aan de slag als docent op een middelbare school (vmbo, havo en vwo) en op het mbo. Ook carrières in andere sectoren behoren nog steeds tot de mogelijkheden. Meer informatie:

Medicines Evaluation Board | College ter Beroordeling van Geneesmiddelen - Assessing the benefits and risks of drug efficacy (EN)

When a pharmaceutical company wants to market a drug, it submits the results of years of research to the MEB for review. How do we handle such a huge dossier? And more importantly, how do we assess whether these results guarantee that a drug is both effective and safe? MEB assessors and regulatory project leaders give you an insight into their work: assessing a new drug is not a matter of ticking off a checklist. It is a complex balancing of benefits and risks, performed by absolute experts. You will be challenged to think about real-world examples. Do you have what it takes to decide on patient safety?

CIMSOLUTIONS - Samenwerken in een complexe en technologische omgeving (Agile/Scrum) (NL)

In een technologisch gedreven wereld worden de verwachtingen steeds hoger. Wat vandaag relevant is, kan morgen zomaar anders zijn. In deze workshop worden jullie meegenomen in manieren hoe je kan samenwerken in deze wereld, en welke principes en werkwijzen je hiervoor kan hanteren.

Round 2

13:00- 14:00

Gupta Strategists - Masterclass strategieadvies: Het verduurzamen van de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg (NL)

De gezondheidszorg is verantwoordelijk voor ongeveer zeven procent van de Nederlandse CO2-uitstoot. Als onderdeel van de Green Deal hebben belanghebbenden uit alle delen van de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg afgesproken om de CO2-voetafdruk met 49 procent te verminderen. Gupta Strategists helpt klanten in alle onderdelen van de gezondheidszorg strategische uitdagingen, zoals deze, op te lossen. In onze masterclass geven we je een voorproefje van ons werk door te werken aan een case over het verduurzamen van de zorg. Wil je weten hoe het is om als consultant in de zorgsector te werken? Kom dan naar de case-training van Gupta Strategists!

AIVD - Het dreigingsbeeld rond AI (NL)
CIMSOLUTIONS - Brainstormtechnieken: Van idee naar product (NL)

Worstel je wel eens met draagvlak creëren wanneer je een goed idee hebt? Zaken die aan het begin belangrijk lijken te zijn, blijken toch minder relevant te zijn? Je wilt graag vooruit, maar dat lukt niet en weet het niet helemaal goed te duiden? Deze interactieve workshop maakt gebruik van de kracht van de groep, en helpt je bij deze worstelingen.

Presentations 2025

This is the list of presentations at the Bètabanenmarkt.

Round 1

14:00 – 14:45

Capgemini - A better environment does not start with you (EN)

In this inspiring presentation, Thorsten Picard will share how passion, persistence, and philosophy have shaped his efforts to drive meaningful change within the bigger organisations of this world. Students will discover how sustainability can be woven into any career path and how small actions can create a lasting impact to get the future we need.

Presenter bio
Thorsten is a data consultant at Capgemini where he specialises in environmental sustainability. He has been nominated twice for Capgemini Netherlands’ Talent of the Year award.
TOPdesk (EN)

TOPdesk is an internationally growing software and consultancy company, and the creator of the best service management tool in the Netherlands. With over 900 colleagues across 8 countries, we work together every day to improve, enhance, and streamline the service delivery of our customers.
We help customers achieve exceptional service delivery while guiding you to unprecedented heights—and you do the same for us! Your career at TOPdesk will grow in the direction that you find most exciting and challenging. This way, you strive for the best in yourself every day. One thing is certain: you’ll embark on this journey in great company. Here’s to work happiness, self-development, and a perfect work-life balance.

Introduction to - Eurofins PSS insourcing solutions (EN)

With this presentation, we would like to provide more insight into who we are as Eurofins Professional Scientific Services, what our vision and mission entails, and why we are a valued strategic partner for our clients. We would like to share what it means to work in the pharmaceutical industry, the impact our work has on people’s health, and what qualities and skills are essential in this sector. We also want to explain what makes working at Eurofins PSS special and what we offer our employees in terms of career and development opportunities. We believe in continuous growth and provide the right support to help each individual achieve their full potential.

Round 2

15:15 – 16:00

Young Innovators of Medicines (EN)

Want to kickstart your career in medicine? The Young Innovators of Medicines (YIM) is a group of young professionals who work within the pharmaceutical sector. This sector guarantees a very dynamic working environment, but what job and development opportunities does this sector offer you? Do you want to know if a future lies ahead for you in Pharma?! During this presentation, the YIM-ers will tell you more about the endless career possibilities. They will do their best to help you to kickstart your career in medicine!

Johnson & Johnson (EN)

During our presentation we will give you an introduction to Johnson & Johnson and Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine. Various colleagues will share more about their internship and career paths and we will share the opportunities that we offer for students. Finally, we will also give you a virtual tour through our company and of course there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

Rijk Zwaan - Welcome to the world of Rijk Zwaan (EN)

As a state-of-the-art fruit and vegetable breeding company, Rijk Zwaan plays an important role in the world’s food supply. Every day, hundreds of people eat vegetables grown from our seeds. It is a responsibility that inspires us to always think ahead.

Whether people realise it or not, Rijk Zwaan has played some part in almost everyone’s life. There is a big chance that at least some of the everyday vegetables you eat have originated from Rijk Zwaan – especially in the case of cucumbers, spinach and lettuce, all of which are crops in which Rijk Zwaan has a large global market share. Discover your role in the world of Rijk Zwaan!

Speed dates 2025

Here is the list of companies that have attended the speed dates at the Bètabanenmarkt 2025.

Sopra Steria
Benedict Peax
Stream HPC